Dhia Aldoori

Dhia Aldoori
Autumn 2011 in Ohio

Friday, April 24, 2020

Can the Surgical N95 Respirator Mask Halt the SARS-CoV-2 Virus?

How does the surgical N95 respirator mask by 3M stop the SARS-CoV-2 virus from accessing the airway passages of the wearer?
Coronavirus virions are spherical with diameters of approximately 125 nm. Where an ‘nm’, indicates a nanometer which is a billionth of a meter.
The indicated mask is documented to have a filter efficiency level of at least 95% against particulate aerosols free of oil and was tested against a 0.3 micron (0.0000003 meter) particle (mass median aerodynamic diameter). Where a micron is one millionth of a meter.
Given above facts where the virion (0.000000125 meter) is 2.4 times smaller than the mask’s preventive ‘entry’ capacity of 0.0000003 meter, one may wonder is it not going to go through?
Answer: viruses do not fly through the air all by themselves, rather they are carried in the aerosol particles expelled from the infected with or carrier person of the virus. This originates from the coughing or sneezing process. And since aerosols seem to average at 1.25 microns (0.00000125 meter), which is larger than the 0.3 micron above, therefore the virus conveying aerosol should be stopped by the mask.
Notably here, the aerosols with its virions lodge in the outside of the mask and therefore the wearer should avoid touching the outward surface of the mask.

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