Dhia Aldoori

Dhia Aldoori
Autumn 2011 in Ohio

Monday, April 21, 2008

Chapter 11: Fibromyalgia

Opinion: Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome are both different degrees of the same condition.

Some or all of the following characterizes the condition of fibromyalgia: marked fatigue, poor memory, pain in different areas of the body (without evident reason), abdominal pains with diarrhea (sometimes constipation) and poor sleep. There are other symptoms that I won’t go into here. This condition arises from ignoring The Pillars Of Health over a number of years. By not having enough protein in the diet, with too much carbohydrate, with irregular and insufficient sleeping, with insufficient physical activity, with insufficient energy promoting vitamins, a person may very well end up with fibromyalgia. These patterns will lead to all the energy producing systems of the body being in a deficient mode and lead to all the above-mentioned symptoms.
At this time I am not sure if this will occur in any person that ignores The Pillars Of Health, or if there is a predisposing factor (s), or some instigating agent, which affects the body’s energy producing systems negatively. Time and research will tell. Note to doctors – total production of cortisol and metanephrines are on the low side in patients with fibromyalgia. Also they tend to have a lot of disruption in their HPA axis, level wise and rhythm wise. I surmise that they should also have lower thyroxin production per 24 hrs, but alas I haven't seen such a study yet.
Regardless, I am sure that people suffering from fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue syndrome will benefit immensely by applying The Pillars Of Health. I would especially encourage people suffering from this condition to avoid sugar and refined starch like the plague. Also I would advise a high protein diet along with the before mentioned vitamins. But here I would like to say that vitamin B12 and the vitamin B1 should both be taken by injection. The reason for this is that both require energy in order to be absorbed (in addition to other requirements previously talked about), and since there is a low level of energy in the body's cells universally in this above diseased state then we can assist the body by bypassing the gastrointestinal tract. This will help ensure the availability of vitamins B 1 and B 12 both which are vitamins necessary for renovation of the body’s energy producing systems. Again though, this will only work if the person exercises and also sleeps regularly and sufficiently as outlined in the previous chapters.
I believe it is also beneficial in the early stages to utilize certain antidepressants such as serotonin reuptake inhibitors, which can help the renovation process significantly. This will be by virtue of elevating brain levels of serotonin which is vital in promotion of sleep, pain control, memory function, prevention of headache, and probably also as an intermediary neurotransmitter for stimulation of many other normal brain functions.
It is also useful to take amino acid supplements, which are precursors of energy hormones and neurotransmitters. Examples of these are tyrosine, and 5 – HTP. (Talk to your doctor).
Another vitamin, which I think is essential in this situation, is niacin. This vitamin is very important in the production of coenzymes necessary for many oxidation – reduction reactions that take place in the production of energy in the body’s tissues. The amount I recommend is 250 milligrams up to 1000 milligrams daily. Niacin has a somewhat bothersome side effect where it can cause hot flushing and itching of the face, ears and neck. This will be less if niacin is taken with meals and ultimately this side effect will taper off. This side effect is also less in the extended release form of this vitamin. The extended release forms such as Niacor and Niaspan are good looking. I definitely think the benefit obtained is worth the flushing side effect. Also I do prefer the immediate release form over the flush free forms because of the negative impact on the liver, which may occur with the flush free forms. An added plus here is elevation of the HDL which is integral in preventing and reversing atherosclerosis. I do disagree with the drug companies' decision to take the Niaspan and Niacor at night to lessen the impact of the flushing as I think there is an effect from the niacin on the secretion of cortisol and/or ACTH (the hormone from a brain center that controls secretion of cortisol) as indicated by high doses of niacin causing hyperglycemia and acanthosis nigricans. So my recommendation is taking niacin in the morning when secretion of cortisol is beneficial and close to the actual normal physiological rhythm. [*2]
The clinical improvement in this condition is gradual but sure to occur if you adhere to the principles outlined. Clinical cure should be attained within one to three years. This last statement is a very rough estimate only, and based on what I have seen in my own patients.


  1. The new studies have showed that fibromayalgia and vitamin D deficiency are linked together and should be checked.
    May Al-Abousi M.D

  2. Hello Doctor,
    Although I am a fan of vitamin D and its inherent promotion of calcium and phosphate absorption, its relationship to fibromyalgia (FM) is probably only as one of the myriad of factors that worsens the condition. As FM is an overall deficiency of energy at all levels then calcium and phosphate do have a role in energy production, but not as directly as the energy hormones do (cortisol, adrenalin, and probably thyroxin). That the condition is related to the vitamin D itself as an independent factor, I can't see how it would play a role. That being said I am interested in studying your source to see if there is more to the story than I am aware of.

  3. Dr Aldoori, I saw you yesterday in Brunswick and thought quite alot about our discussion. I am taking your advice to heart, trying to eat better with more protein. I'm also upping my walking. Thank you for your concern and your care. Karen S

  4. Dear KoJoSo,
    I am pleased and gratified that I have been able to influence you positively towards reaching a better health status.
    As such always feel free to ask any health/medical question you have. If I know the answer I will give it to you, and if not I will strive to get it for you.
    Thanks again for your kind words.
